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“ Fiber gastric endoscopy must pay attention to ”
2018/12/21 11:23:57 

Fiber endoscopy is the best way to examine lesions in the esophagus, stomach cavity, and duodenal bulb. However, due to the insertion of the gastroscope fiber tube from the esophagus, the patient has fear of this examination, and some cases have avoided it several times and are unwilling to pass. Therefore, when gastroscopy begins, it is difficult for patients to cooperate with doctors. This requires patient explanation and care.

In fact, gastroscopy is not very painful. In the diagnosis operation, as long as it cooperates with the doctor, it can eliminate tension and relax the whole body. Generally, the examination can be completed in about 20 minutes.

Appropriate reduction and stop of all oral medications two days before endoscopy. Check the day before the fasting of milk, it is best to eat soft food, check the morning to do fasting, water, all drugs and smoking ban. After the inspection, it is best to eat a little ice cream, cool to stop bleeding, but not suitable for drinking water. After two hours, you can eat liquid food. Such as chicken cake, milk, noodles, rice porridge and so on. During the examination, the esophageal mucosa and gastric mucosa were mechanically and transiently stimulated. At one time, there was a sore throat and stomach discomfort and mechanical and transient stimulation. At one time, there was sore throat and stomach discomfort and pain. Quit smoking, alcohol and overheated food. Should not do heavy physical labor, should rest for 1 day - 2 days.

Stop taking all medications within 3 days after the test to avoid irritation. Such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, high blood pressure, asthma and other diseases should not be done with gastroscopy, you can take various means to confirm the diagnosis. Visible under the gastric endoscopy: malignant ulcer, erosive gastritis, residual gastritis, gastric mucosal dysplasia, generally should be monitored for 3 months - 4 months.